Monday, 26 December 2011

The Christmas Spirit

If you were in town on Christmas Eve you couldn't have missed the Santa convoy.  It was a big red and white, noisy procession with the Preston Beach Volunteer Fire Brigade Oka in the middle; lights flashing, siren blasting, music blaring and Santa and his volunteer elves on the back distributing lollies and Santa greetings.  What a blast!
Santa and his sack

The Oka was decked out in the appropriate tinsel.  The elves wore santa hats and Santa was resplendant in a red velvet suit and flowing silver curls.  It was a sight to behold as the procession wended its way from the fire shed on Panorama, north to the units taking in all the streets to the west as they went, down Lakeside Terrace taking care not to miss any of the side streets, then around to the old part of town, in and out of every street and finishing off with a trip down to Fairway Terrace where the Christmas lights twinkled and flashed as night approached.

With a ghetto blaster firmly planted on the roof of the little lead Suzuki, carols rang out across the town.  I was told that the music and the siren could be heard from every part of town.  People ran out to greet Santa and the adults were as enthusiastic as the kids. Others had waited patiently on their front lawns to wave as the procession passed by.  One lady ran out and gave Santa a well deserved beer - I'm sure he appreciated that little guesture!

By the time they returned to the fire shed, Santa has given out 150 chocolates and lolly pops, the sun had gone down and the children were tip toeing off to bed.  Calm settled over the little town of Preston Beach and Santa jumped on his sleigh and disappeared over the national park calling "Ho, Ho, Ho, and a Merrrrry Christmas"

I can't wait till next year...

Monday, 5 December 2011

Volunteer Day Breakfast

Volunteering is a selfless act and deserves recognition and thanks, and that’s why we put on a big thank you breakfast each year in December on Thank a Volunteer simply say thank you for being generous with your time and efforts and to show our appreciation.

Volunteering has many different faces, from high profile, high risk work such as fighting fires to picking up rubbish.  No matter what role you have played throughout the past year, we are grateful.
Representatives from the Shire of Waroona kindly cooked breakfast which was a welcome break for the members of the Progress Association who usually put on the aprons and gloves.  Thanks to Louis Fouche', Laurie Tilbrook and Noel Dew for a big bang-up breaky, beautifully cooked.  New permanent/part time Ranger Tracey was also there to lend a hand and meet a few locals.

As I said, all levels of contribution in volunteering are appreciated, but we chose to give special recognition to one amongst us who contributed significantly in the past and who continues to do so through his various roles within our community.
In August this year Noel Dew was recognised by WA Local Govt Assn. with a Long and Loyal Service Award for his 12 years of dedicated service to the Shire of Waroona. 
Noel is well known for his active role as Councillor and Shire President. When Mike Walmsley recently stepped down, Noel stepped up for the second time and will serve as Shire President until 2013. He has served on innumerable committees over the past 12 years; he has been a volunteer fire fighter and continues to support the brigade in many ways.   When Ranger numbers dropped dramatically putting this service at risk, Noel put on the uniform and took up patrolling the beach.  He’s been a great recruitment officer for both the fire brigade and ranger service over the years and we owe him a great deal of gratitude for his continued commitment in these valued services.
All this, while fulfilling his commitments to the Shire of Waroona as Councillor and Shire President, but what also stands out to me is his unwavering support of the community here at Preston Beach.  There has never been a time when I have phoned Noel about one or other issue, when he hasn’t willingly and cheerfully taken on a task and followed it through to the end.  Noel delivers every time.
So it’s with great pleasure that I was able to present Noel with a Certificate of Appreciation and a small gift on behalf of the Preston Beach Progress Association and our community.